Friday, February 22, 2013

The 8 Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees (Section 4 (A), RA 6713)

Every public official and employee shall observe the following as standards of personal conduct in the discharge and execution of official duties:

1.       Commitment to public interest – Always uphold the public interest over personal interest. Avoid wastage in public funds and revenues. Ensure that government resources and powers are employed and used efficiently, effectively, honestly and economically.
2.       Professionalism – Perform and discharge your duties with the highest degree of excellence, professionalism, intelligence and skill. Enter public service with utmost devotion and dedication to duty. Discourage wrong perception of your role as dispenser or peddler of undue patronage.
3.       Justness and sincerity – Remain true to the people at all times. Act with justness and sincerity, and do not discriminate against anyone, especially the poor and the underprivileged. Refrain from doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public policy, pubic order, public safety and public interest. Do not dispense or extend undue favors on account of your office to your relatives, whether by consanguinity or affinity, except with respect to appointments of such relatives to positions considered strictly confidential or as members of your personal staff whose terms are coterminous with yours.
4.       Political neutrality – Provide service to everyone without unfair discrimination regardless of party affiliation or preference.
5.       Responsiveness to the public – Extend prompt, courteous, and adequate service to the public. Unless otherwise provided by law or hen required by the public interest, you shall provide information on your policies and procedures in clear and understandable language, ensure openness of information, public consultations and hearings whenever appropriate, encourage suggestions, simplify and systematize policy, rules and procedures, avoid red tape and develop an understanding and appreciation of the socio-economic conditions prevailing in the country, especially in the depressed rural and urban areas.
6.       Nationalism and patriotism – always be loyal to the Republic and o the Filipino people, promote the use of locally produced goods, resources and technology and encourage appreciation and pride of country and people. Endeavor to maintain and defend Philippine sovereignty against foreign intrusion.
7.       Commitment to democracy – Commit yourself to the democratic way of life and values. Maintain the principle of public accountability and manifest by deeds the supremacy of civilian authority over the military. Always uphold the constitution and put loyalty to country above loyalty to persons or party.
8.       Simple living – You and your family shall lead modest lives appropriate to your positions and income. Do not indulge in extravagant or ostentatious display of wealth in any form.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Barangay Development Council (BDC)

The Barangay Development Council (BDC) is a planning and coordinative body in the barangays. It is mandated by law to assist the sangguniang barangay in setting the direction of economic and social development and in coordinating development efforts within the barangay. This is headed by the Punong Barangay as chairman, and shall be composed of the following members:
1.       Members of the Sangguniang Barangay;
2.       Representatives of non-government organizations (NGO’s) and people’s organization (POs) operating in the barangay, who shall constitute not less than one fourth (1/4) of the members of the fully organized council.
3.       A representative of the congressman [Section 107(a), RA7160] .
How shall the NGOs and POs be represented in the barangay development council? Within a period of sixty (60) days from the start of the organization of the barangay development council, the NGOs and POs shall choose from among themselves their representatives to said council. The Sangguniang Barangay shall accredit NGOs and POs subject to such criteria as may be provided by law.
The Punong Barangay determine the need to reconstitute the council based on changes in the composition of the sangguniang barangay after the election, change of barangay secretary who shall serve as the council’s secretariat, performance of NGO and PO representatives in the previous administration, or change of the representative of the congressman. For instance, if in the past, some of the NGO and PO representative never attended the council’s meetings and never participated in the activities of the council; the Punong Barangay need to decide if they should remain as members of the council.
The council’s frequency of meeting (Sec.110) is at least once every six (6) months, and its functions include the following (Sec.109b):
1.       Mobilize people’s participation in local development efforts
2.       Prepare barangay development plans
3.       Monitor and evaluate the implementation of national and/or local programs and project, and
4.       Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or competent authority (Section 109-b of RA 7160).
Supposing the council is not in session the Barangay Development Council Executive Committee shall represent the Council and act on its behalf when it is not in session. The council’s executive committee is chaired by the punong barangay and has two members, namely: (1) a representative of the sangguniang barangay (2) a representative of the NGOs or POs represented in the council.
It is advisable that the representative of the sangguniang barangay in the council’s executive committee is the chair of the sanggunian’s committee on appropriations. This will facilitate the preparation and approval of the annual and supplemental budgets as barangay budgets have to operationalize the approved barangay development plan (Section 305-I of RA7160).
The barangay development council executive committee shall exercise the following powers and functions (Sec. 111b):
·         Ensure that decisions of the council are faithfully carried out and implemented.
·         Act on matters requiring immediate attention or action by the council.
·         Formulate policies, plans, and programs based on the general principles laid down by the council.
·         Act on any other matter that may be authorized by the council.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Barangay Assembly

The barangay assembly is composed of all Filipino citizens actually residing in the barangay for at least six (6) months, (15) years old or over, and duly registered in the list of barangay assembly members. The assembly meets at least twice a year to hear and discuss the semestral report of the sangguniang barangay concerning barangay problems, activities and finances. Its meetings are held upon call of any of the following:
·         Punong barangay, or
·         At least four (4) members of the sangguniang barangay; or
·         Upon written petition of at least (5%) of the assembly members which is submitted to, and favorably acted upon by the punong barangay (Section 397 of RA 7160).
Who shall preside over the meeting of the Barangay Assembly? The Punong Barangay is the Presiding officer of the barangay assembly. In the absence of the Punong Barangay, any of the following can take the place:
·         The barangay kagawad acting as punong barangay, or
·         Any assembly member chosen to serve as presiding officer during the meeting.
The barangay secretary is mandated by law to concurrently serve as the secretary of the barangay assembly. In the absence of the barangay secretary the presiding officer can designate any member of the assembly to act as secretary of the assembly.
One prerequisite for the holding of a barangay assembly is that a written notice of meeting stating the date, time, venue and purpose of the meeting should be posted in three (3) conspicuous places within the barangay at least one (1) week before the actual conduct of the meeting, except for meetings on matters concerning public safety or security, in which case, notice within a reasonable time is considered sufficient. The Punong Barangay can request the barangay secretary and/or any other barangay personnel to assist in preparation and posting of the notice of meeting.
The barangay assembly has the following powers;
·         Initiate legislative processes by recommending to the sangguniang barangay the adopton of measures or ordinances for the welfare of the barangay and the city or municipality concerned
·         Decide on the adoption of initiative as a legal process whereby the registered voters of the barangay may directly propose, enact, or amend any ordiances, and
·         Hear and approve the semestral report of the sangguniang barangay concerning its activities and finances (Section 398 of RA7160).
To promote transparency in the operations of the Barangay Government, and to muster people’s support for the implementation and monitoring of development programs, it is advisable that the barangay’s development plan and investment program be presented and discussed also in the barangay assembly. Make sure that majority, if not all, of the members of the barangay development council are present in the barangay assembly so that they can help respond to queries concerning the barangay development plan and investment program.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Sangguniang Barangay

The Sangguniang Barangay is the legislative body. It is composed of 1) the Punong Barangay 2) The seven (7) Sangguniang Barangay members elected at large and 3) The Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman. The Punong Barangay presides over the meetings of the Sangguniang Barangay.
Powers and Duties of the Sangguniang Barangay (Sec. 391)
The Sangguniang Barangay Shall:
1. Enact ordinances as may be necessary to discharge the responsibilities conferred upon it by law or ordinance and to promote the general welfare of the inhabitants therein.
2. Enact tax and revenue ordinances, subject to the limitations imposed in the LG Code.
3. Enact annual and supplemental budgets in accordance with the provision of the LG Code.
4. Provide for the construction and maintenance of barangay facilities and other public works projects chargeable to the general fund of the barangay or such other funds actually available for the purpose.
5. Submit to the Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang Bayan suggestions or recommendations that may see fit for the improvement of the barangay or the welfare of the inhabitants thereof.
6. Assist in the establishment, organization and promotion of cooperative enterprises that will improve the economic condition and well being of the residents.
7. Regulate the use of multi-purpose halls, multi-purpose pavements, grain or copra dryers, patios and other post-harvest facilities, barangay waterworks, barangay markets, parking areas or other similar facilities constructed with government funds within the jurisdiction of the barangay, and charge reasonable fees for the use thereof.
8. Solicit or accept monies, materials and voluntary labor for the specific public works and cooperative enterprises of the barangay from residents, landowners, producers and merchants in the barangay, monies from other private agencies and individuals. Provided, however, that monies and properties donated by private agencies and individuals for specific purposes shall accrue to the barangay as trust fund.
9. Solicit or accept in any or all the foregoing public works and cooperative enterprises, such cooperation is made available by national, provincial, city or municipal agencies established by law to render financial, technical and advisory assistance to the barangay and to the barangay residents. Provided, however, that in soliciting or accepting such cooperation, the Sangguniang Barangay need not pledge any sum of money for expenditure in excess of amounts currently in the barangay treasury or encumbered for other purposes.
10. Provide compensation, reasonable allowances or per diems as well as travel expenses for Sangguniang Barangay members and other barangay officials, subject to the budgetary limitations prescribed under Title Five Book II of the code; Provided, however, that no increase in the compensation or honoraria of the Sangguniang Barangay members shall take effect until the expiration of the full term of all members of the Sangguniang Barangay approving such increase.
11. Hold fund-raising activities barangay projects without the need of securing permits from any national or local office or agency. The proceeds from such activities shall be tax exempt and shall accrue to the general fund of the barangay. Provided, that in the appropriation thereof the specific purpose for which such fund-raising activity has been held shall be first satisfied. Provided further, that no fund raising activities shall be held within a period of sixty (60) days immediately preceding and after a national or local election, recall, referendum, or plebiscite. Provided finally, that said fund-raising activities shall comply with national policy standards and regulations on morals, health and safety of the persons participating therein. The Sangguniang Barangay, through the Punong Barangay, shall render a public accounting of the fund raised at the completion of the project for which the fund-raising activity was undertaken.
12. Authorize the Punong Barangay entry into contracts in behalf of the barangay, subject to the provisions of the LG Code.
13. Authorized the barangay treasurer to make direct purchases in an amount not exceeding One thousand pesos (₱1,000.00) at any time for the ordinary and essential administrative needs of the barangay.
14. Prescribed fines in amount not exceeding One thousand pesos (₱1,000.00) for violation of barangay ordinances.
15. Provide for the administrative needs of the Lupong Tagapamayapa and the Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo.
16. Provide for the organization of community brigade, barangay tanod or community service units as may be necessary.
17. Organize regular lectures, programs on community problems such as sanitation, nutrition, literacy and drug abuse, and convene assemblies to encourage citizen participation in government.
18. Adopt measures to prevent and control the proliferation of squatters and mendicants in the barangay.
19. Provide for the proper development and welfare of children in the barangay by promoting and supporting activities for the protection and total development of children, particularly those below seven (7) years of age.
20. Adopt measure towards the prevention and eradication of drug abuse, child abuse, and juvenile delinquency.
21. Initiate the establishment of a barangay high school, whenever feasible in accordance with law.
22. Provide for the establishment of a non-formal education center in the barangy whenever feasible in coordination with the Department of Education.
23. Provide for the delivery of basic services.
24. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by lw or ordinance.