Saturday, March 29, 2014

Duties of Pangkat Secretary

     The pangkat secretary shall be chosen by the majority vote of its three (3) members from among themselves and shall perform the following duties and functions:
  1. Issue notices of hearing before the pangkat and cause them to be served upon the parties and their witnesses;
  2. Keep minutes of the proceedings for conciliation and arbitration by the pangkat and have them attested by the pangkat chairman;
  3. Note in the minutes the willful failure or refusal of a party to comply with the summons issued by the pangkat chairman;
  4. Immediately transmit to the lupon secretary al settlements agreed upon by the parties and arbitration awards rendered by the pangkat;
  5. Submit copies of the aforesaid minutes to the lupon secretary and to the proper local trial court;
  6. Issue the certification required for filing an action or proceeding in court or any government office for adjudication. Such certification shall show that a confrontation of the parties took place but no conciliation or settlement has been reached; or that no such personal confrontation took place through no fault that can be attributed to the complainant; and
  7. Issue a certification for barring the complainant from filing a case, or the respondent from filing a counterclaim in court in case of willfull failure of the complainant or respondent, respectively, to appear as provided in Section 8, Rule VI, KPR. 

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