Section 1. No motions except on the presence of a quorum shall be entertained during the voting.
Section 2. Any member may explain his vote when voting for a debatable motion. When the motion is not debatable no other remarks will be entertained by the chair when a member cast his vote.
Section 3. On a vote where the affirmative and negative are equal in numbers, the motion shall be declared lost.
Section 4. If a tie has taken place, the Punong Barangay may, at his discretion, cast the deciding vote.
Section 5. A two-thirds vote is required to pass any of the following motions:
a. To limit, extend or close a debate.
b. To amend any part of the adopted Rules.
c. To suspend the Rules.
d. To suspend or recommend the expulsion of any member for cause.
Section 6. No member could be compelled to vote, he may however abstain.
Section 7. The motion to reconsider can be made only by the member who voted on the prevailing side. Any member who abstained from voting shall have no right to ask for reconsideration.
Section 8. No member can vote on a question in which he has a direct or personal pecuniary interest.
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