The barangay assembly is composed of all Filipino
citizens actually residing in the barangay for at least six (6) months, (15)
years old or over, and duly registered in the list of barangay assembly
members. The assembly meets at least twice a year to hear and discuss the
semestral report of the sangguniang barangay concerning barangay problems,
activities and finances. Its meetings are held upon call of any of the
Punong barangay, or
At least four (4) members of the sangguniang
barangay; or
Upon written petition of at least (5%) of the
assembly members which is submitted to, and favorably acted upon by the punong
barangay (Section 397 of RA 7160).
Who shall preside over the meeting of the Barangay
Assembly? The Punong Barangay is the Presiding officer of the barangay
assembly. In the absence of the Punong Barangay, any of the following can take
the place:
The barangay kagawad acting as punong barangay,
Any assembly member chosen to serve as presiding
officer during the meeting.
The barangay secretary is mandated by law to concurrently
serve as the secretary of the barangay assembly. In the absence of the barangay
secretary the presiding officer can designate any member of the assembly to act
as secretary of the assembly.
One prerequisite for the holding of a barangay assembly
is that a written notice of meeting stating the date, time, venue and purpose
of the meeting should be posted in three (3) conspicuous places within the barangay
at least one (1) week before the actual conduct of the meeting, except for
meetings on matters concerning public safety or security, in which case, notice
within a reasonable time is considered sufficient. The Punong Barangay can
request the barangay secretary and/or any other barangay personnel to assist in
preparation and posting of the notice of meeting.
The barangay assembly has the following powers;
Initiate legislative processes by recommending
to the sangguniang barangay the adopton of measures or ordinances for the
welfare of the barangay and the city or municipality concerned
Decide on the adoption of initiative as a legal
process whereby the registered voters of the barangay may directly propose,
enact, or amend any ordiances, and
Hear and approve the semestral report of the
sangguniang barangay concerning its activities and finances (Section 398 of
To promote transparency in the operations of the Barangay
Government, and to muster people’s support for the implementation and
monitoring of development programs, it is advisable that the barangay’s
development plan and investment program be presented and discussed also in the
barangay assembly. Make sure that majority, if not all, of the members of the
barangay development council are present in the barangay assembly so that they
can help respond to queries concerning the barangay development plan and
investment program.
what if the notice was posted 3 days before the meeting?